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The Lone Gunmen News
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One shot comic book due from Dark Horse May 30. Dark Horse Comics will release a comic book based on The Lone Gunmen. The story is by Jane Espensn (a writer for the Buffy TV series) with art by Paul Lee. There will be two covers: one with art by Paul Lee the other with the photo here. For more information on the comic, visit Dark Horse�s Website.  If it sells well, there may be more issues released.



The final episode airs this week and no news yet on if the show will be picked up for next season. Let�s keep our fingers crossed!

Dean Haglund chat on May 10th, 8 pm at the official Lone Gunmen Website! And if you haven�t checked the official site lately, they�ve added a lot more stuff - including (finally) pages from each of the Gunmen :-) Visit The Official Site here


Ratings Continue to Fall: "The Lone Gunmen"  managed a 6.3/9 (6.2/9), but lost viewers from the first half-hour to the second - not a good sign indicating people who tuned it to give it a try, didn�t like the show and moved on before the 2nd half. I�m afraid at this point, it doesn�t look like the show will be around after all 12 episodes have aired.


Ratings Not Good: Ratings for Fox's The Lone Gunmen fell off sharply in its second episode, averaging about 9 million viewers, compared with 13 million in its premiere, according to The Hollywood Reporter. Last week, their PR firm informed me the demographics on the premiere were good, indicating Fox�s target audience for the show was being hit. The sharp decline, however, may spell trouble for the show unless ratings improve over the rest of the 13 episodes. 


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This section is copyright 2001 by Scifispace.com and is not intended to infringe upon the rights of Fox, Ten Thirteen Productions or other holders of The Lone Gunmen copyrights.

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