has been the place for science fiction, fantasy and horror fans since 1998

Welcome to the NEW

We are updating the site to be more modern, more user friendly, and to work better with mobile devices and tablets. Please pardon our dust as we get things set up. has been the place for science fiction, fantasy and horror fans since 1998

We are making Scifispace much more interactive. While we always had forums, we have added free memberships that lets you form and join groups, add to our ever-growing scifi wikipedia, contribute news, videos, and other content.

We are still testing a lot of things and the site will be a work in progress for a while, though we think it will once again become the mega-site it was in the early 2000s. Join us and help us grow!


Lori Anne Brown, Author and Owner of

Lori has been a science-fiction fan since the age of 12. She is owner of as well as and chaired Tachycon, science fiction convention, for 13 years.

Written by Lori Anne Brown

Lori has been a science-fiction fan since the age of 12. She is owner of as well as and chaired Tachycon, science fiction convention, for 13 years.

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