Back when I started in 1998, the internet was still pretty new and web building software was weak. Back then, I used NetObjects Fusion to create the site, which I have actually not used for many years. This new site is built using WordPress and more module designs for easily updating and viewing across all devices from computer to mobile.
Back then, I used to create special sections for different scifi shows and movies – most notably Firefly which was included in it’s DVD Special on fan sites. We also had sections on Enterprise, Jeremiah, Smallville and other series of the day.

While I still have those old files, I have found most no longer function properly, are missing graphics and have other broken issues. Instead of trying to get them all working again, I have decided to move them to our new Sci-fi Wiki section here on the updated site. This will make it easier to add new content and should allow members to add to the wiki as well.
So I am slowly moving and updating data to the new wiki section, going thru and reworking images and other things to flesh them out. I will also be adding wikis for new projects like The Passage. I will be moving the original content and add new items as well.
If you are interested in creating or maintaining any wiki section, please contact me.
Lori has been a science-fiction fan since the age of 12. She is owner of as well as and created/chaired Tachycon, science fiction convention, for 13 years. She is a gamer and artist, jewelry maker, 3d printer, and overall geek.