tom hiddleston as loki

Loki Series is a Go

Tom Hiddleston will return as Loki in a new TV series to air on the Disney+ streaming service.

There is no word yet on what time period the show will be set in as it is assumed, at least, Loki died for real this time in Avengers: Infinity War. Our guess is it will be sometime between the first Avengers movie and

tom hiddleston will return as loki for disney+ streaming series
Tom Hiddleston will return as Loki for Disney+ Streaming Service

Various sources show this will be an ongoing series or a limited mini-series format. Considering Hiddleston’s popularity for other projects, the limited series makes sense.

Last September when Disney announced plans for their streaming service, they stated they wanted several Marvel characters to be featured in their own series, including the Scarlet Witch (as played by Elizabeth Olsen), though the Loki is the only one officially given the go-ahead at this time.

Disney+ is expected to launch in late 2019.


Lori Anne Brown, Author and Owner of

Lori has been a science-fiction fan since the age of 12. She is owner of as well as and chaired Tachycon, science fiction convention, for 13 years.

Written by Lori Anne Brown

Lori has been a science-fiction fan since the age of 12. She is owner of as well as and chaired Tachycon, science fiction convention, for 13 years.

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