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Episode Guide - Season 1 Page 1

Episodes 1 & 2 (2 parts) - First Aired September 26, 2001, 8 pm, UPN

Broken Bow - Review - Discuss This Episode

Klang the Klingon in Broken Bow - the first episode of Star Trek EnterpriseThe first episode of Enterprise, the story opens with a young Jonathan Archer building a model starship with his father (who builds the Enterprise his son will command in later years). Back to present day, a Klingon crashes on Earth chased through an Oklahoma cornfield by the Suliban, the recurring villians of the series. Shot by the owner of the cornfield, the wounded Klingon ends up at Starfleet. Archer is ordered to return him to his homeworld of Qo�nos despite objections of Earth�s new allies, the Vulcans, who have been supervising Earth�s exploration of the galaxy after �First Contact�. Archer and a hastily pulled together crew including head off in the Enterprise to do so. Not far into the mission the Suliban, lead by a creature named 'Silik' who himself is taking orders from an unknown power in another time, attacks and kidnaps the Klingon - forcing the crew to find where they've taken him and why they so desperately want him back in their clutches. Along the way they visit an exotic alien underground marketplace, fly through the liquid atmosphere of a gas giant, and learn space can be a very dangerous place. Orion slave girls were expected to be seen (though I think I missed them) probably in the underground marketplace - where Reed and Mayweather visit a red-light district and have a pimp try to hustle them. This is a sort of tribute to the pilot of the original series which showed Vina (Susan Oliver) as a slave girl in one fantasy scenario The Keepers played for Captain Pike. One location that was used for the pilot is near Redondo Beach, California - a historic beachside community also used for Baywatch and Pacific Blue among other series. No word on what was filmed there.

Guest Cast:

  • Vaughn Armstrong as Admiral Forrest
  • Jim Beaver as Admiral Leonard
  • Jim Fitzpatrick as Admiral Williams
  • Gary Graham as Ambassador Soval: Graham played Sikes in Alien Nation and Tannis in Voyager�s �Cold Fire�.
  • Thomas Kopache as Tos: Kopache played Kira�s father, Kira Tiban in several episodes of DS9.
  • Steve Folger as Ensign Joshua Clinton
  • James Cromwell as Dr. Zephram Cochrane (cameo - a video taped send off of the Enterprise on it�s mission)
  • Tom �Tiny� Lister Jr as Klaang
  • John Fleck as Silik
  • Melinda Clarke as Sarin
  • Mark Moses as Henry Archer
  • James Horan as Humanoid Figure
  • Joseph Ruskin as Suliban Doctor

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: James L. Conway

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Discussing the Klingon with the Vulcans QT


Episode 3 - First Aired October 3, 8 pm, UPN

Fight or Flight - Review - Discuss This Episode

Hoshi is afraid of what she sees in Fight or FlightThe Enterprise finds another ship dead in space. Archer and crew board her when they cannot get any response to hails (against T'Pol's wishes) and finds the entire crew has been killed. Their bodies are suspended from the ceiling on hooks being drained of all fluids in attempt to gain a substance (Triglobin which is also found in humans) from them. Both the aliens that killed the crew and the race that owned the ship return, and it is up to Hoshi to try to communicate with the aliens to avoid the destruction of Enterprise.

Subplot involves Hoshi Sato wrestling with whether or not she wants to be in space and stay a member of the crew. Also touches on the moral issue of helping another species though it may endanger the ship and crew. Features the Anaxar who were mentioned in the original series in �Whom Gods Destroy� and �Court Martial� as Kirk having received the Palm Leaf of Axanar.

Guest Cast:

  • Jeff Rickets as Alien Captain
  • Max Williams as Crewman
  • Brett Baker as Crewman #2
  • Efrain Riguerda as Translator Voice

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Allan Kroeker

Review: This episode mainly served to make Sato realize her usefulness with the crew and decide to stay onboard the ship. It also gave Archer his first taste of a moral dilemna of putting the ship in danger to help an unknown alien species. The problems with taking a species out of it�s native enviroment was also touched on serving mainly as a analogy to Sato�s situation (no one seemed to consider that the slug would be the only one of it�s species on the entire planet they dumped it how long will it last anyway?). The pacing seemed a bit off with the first 45 minutes seeming slow leading to all the action in the last quarter with a too fast resolution. There were some nice bits of character development and Phlox wasn�t as annoying, so it looks like the cast is starting to settle into their roles. This episode does have a more military feel as well (See my review of Broken Bow). The story could have been a bit more fleshed out, but all in all a good episode - 3 out of 5 stars.  What did you think of this episode?

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Episode 4 - First Aired October 10, 8 pm, UPN

Strange New World - Review - Discuss This Episode

The Enterprise explores a strange new worldIn exploring an uninhabited planet, the crew encounter what they believe to be a hostile alien species. However, things are not always what they appear. And to complicate things, the crew is infected by an alien pollen that induces hallucinations and paranoia. Under the influence, Tucker suspects T�Pol of being in league with imaginary natives on the planet. Archer must find a way to save them before they turn dangerously on one another. This episode shows that technology is not always perfect on the Enterprise yet including a wind storm on the planet that causes a shuttle landing to be aborted and a transporter problem that fuses rock with the unfortunate crewman�s body. Also shows additional tensions between Vulcans and Humans and the level of mistrust still present on both sides.

Guest Cast:

  • Kellie Waymire as Elizabeth Cutler (was Lanya in Voyager�s �Muse�)
  • Henri Lubatti as Ethan Novakovich
  • Rey Gallegos as Crewman

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga (Teleplay by: Mike Sussman & Phyllis Strong)
Director: David Livingston

Review: When I first heard the premise for this episode, I was thinking �oh great...another �This Side of Paradise/Naked Time/Naked Now� variation,� but I was very pleasantly surprised. From a pacing and story point of view, this is probably the best episode so quick resolutions and a tightly constructed story that actually fills the 45 or so minutes very well and holds your interest. It also shows off the acting talents of Tucker and T�Pol who both do a very good job. The crew�s sense of adventure and anxiousness to explore an alien world also was handled well - not to mention it being fun watching Porthos romp in the grass (though personally I wouldn�t take my pet on the first landing...maybe the second after we find out there is nothing ready to swallow him)! What did you think of this episode?

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Episode 5 - First Aired October 17, 8 pm UPN

Unexpected - Review - Discuss This Episode

Trip gets a big surprise in UnexpectedWhen malfunctions start to occur on the Enterprise, the crew discover an alien ship hiding in their exhaust wake. The Xyrillians are there trying to recharge their ship to get home. The Enterprise engineer, Charlie �Trip� Tucker, goes over to the aliens to help them repair their ship - but unwittingly becomes pregnant in the process!!  He and an alien reach into some granules which enables them to read each others minds, and the next thing he knows, he has nipples growing out of his arm. Apparently they also exchanged genetic material via the granules. Trip fixes the ship which goes on it�s way before the crew realize he�s pregnant. A hunt for the aliens causes another encounter with the Klingons which surprisingly T�Pol supports...though the Klingons will only let the aliens go unharmed if the Xyrillians trades them their holo-technology. The first comedic episode of the series and features the first mention of holographic technology.

Guest Cast:

  • Julianne Christie as Ah�Len
  • Randy Oglesby as Trena�L
  • Christopher Darga as Klingon Captain
  • Regi Davis as Klingon First Officer
  • TL Kolman as Alien Man
  • John Cragen as Crewman
  • Drew Howerton as Steward
  • Mike Balkdridge as Dillard

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga
Director: Mike Vejar

Review: For the first comedic episode of the series, it wasn�t all that comedic - at least not on the level of �The Trouble with Tribbles� or other classic Trek comedic episodes. It was amusing and all did a adequate job, but to me this was more of an �average� or just good, not great episode. It is notable for including a good look at a holographic system. I wonder though why Tucker only asked for them to share it with the Klingons...I would think the engineer in him would be sooooo curious as to how it worked, he�d be bouncing off the walls to get a look at it! Yes, he seemed impressed, but not as excited as I get for example when I get the newest version of Lightwave 3D or something in my field. His innate curiosity would have wanted to know much more I think. I did like the way he dealt with his pregnancy and the very subtle mood swings, etc. All in all, I give it 3 out of 5 stars.

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Episode 6 - First Aired October 24, 8 pm UPN

Terra Nova - Review - Discuss This Episode

Archer and Reed on Terra NovaTerra Nova means �New Land� in Latin and is the name of one of the first Earth colonies created on an alien planet colonized before fast interstellar travel was possible. After the colonists settled down, they refused to allow more colonists to land. All contact with the colony was lost shortly after that and no investigation team was ever sent. The Enterprise investigates the fate of the colonists. When they arrive, they find descendents of the colonists who have become more alien than Archer could ever have imagined. Reed is taken hostage and in the process of trying to establish an understanding with the colonists, who call themselves Novans, they discover a meteor crashed into the Northern hemisphere causing poisonous gas to spread killing the adults. Only children young enough to adapt survived, but the build-up of toxins in the water supply over the years will kill them all unless they leave the planet or relocate to the unaffected Southern hemisphere. This is the first episode directed by LeVar Burton (Geordie LaForge of TNG).

Guest Cast:

  • Erick Avari as Jaymin. Avari also played Vedek Yarka in DS9�s �Destiny�
  • Mary Carver as Nadet
  • Brian Jacobs as Athan
  • Greville Henwood as Akary

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga & Antoinette Stella
Director: LeVar Burton (LaForge in TNG)

Review: Just a good episode...notable because we are seeing Archer becoming more comfortable with command and a little more military aspects (such as Reed reminding Archer he should go first through the caves to protect the Captain). We also find out Phlox is a "Denobulan,� which was rumored as a revelation for the Dear Doctor episode. The story was rather obvious though with no surprises or plot twists. Just 3 out of 5 stars.

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Episode 7 - First Aired October 31, 8 pm UPN

The Andorian Incident - Review - Discuss This Episode

Andorian IncidentJeffrey Combs plays an Andorian terrorist that attack a Vulcan meditation monestary they believe is hiding a long-range sensor array. Enterprise happens to drop in at the wrong time when Captain Archer decides to visit the monastery to engage in some interstellar cultural site-seeing. The crew walk into an ambush and Archer must come up with a plan to defeat the Andorians without the help of the pacifistic Vulcans (shades of the Organians and �Errand of Mercy�). Archer, T�Pol and Tucker are stranded on the planet as Reed and the rest of the crew try to come up with a way to free them. In the process, Tucker explores the ancient Catacombs where the most sacred Vulcan relics are stored...and repairs an old transmitter. The Andorians are more complicated and textured than the simple blue-skinned, antennaed white-haired aliens seen in TOS �Journey to Babel�, the antennae now move and change attitude according to their emotions.

Guest Cast:

  • Jeffrey Combs as Shra�an, leader of the Andorian terrorists. Combs was Weyoun and Brunt on ST:DS9
  • Steven Dennis as Tholos. Dennis played in 4 Voyager episodes: Fennim �Think Ahead�, weapons dealer in �Warhead�, Thompson in �Equinox� and the Night Alien in �Night�.
  • Bruce French as Vulcan Elder
  • Jeff Ricketts as Keval
  • Richard Tanner as Vulcan
  • Jamie McShane as Tactical Crewman

Writers: Rick Berman & Brannon Braga, Fred Dekker
Director: Roxann Dawson (Voyager�s B�Lanna Torres)

Review: One of the best episodes thus far...with a very good twist ending (that I did see coming) that I won�t give away. Further cements T�Pol�s loyalty to Enterprise and gives us some fascinating (no pun intended...really!) background into Vulcan religion. Also has T�Pol�s first use of the infamous Vulcan Nerve Pinch. Would have been nice to find out more about the Andorians as well but hopefully this will come in a later episode. 4 out of 5 stars!

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Episode 8 - First Aired November 7, 8 pm UPN

Breaking the Ice - Review - Discuss This Episode

T'Pol consults with Phlox in Breaking the IceConcerns the betrothal of T�Pol and her deciding to marry or continue her mission on the Enterprise. Trip learns that T'Pol is transmitting secret messages to a Vulcan ship, which has been shadowing Enterprise for weeks. Meanwhile, Archer must attempt a dangerous rescue to recover Reed and Mayweather stranded on a rapidly disintegrating comet.

Guest Cast:

  • William Utay as Vanik

Writers: Maria & Andre Jacquemetton (Jack of All Trades, Relic Hunter)
Director: Terry Windell (Voyager�s Dark Frontier, Part 2 & Shattered)

Review: Notable for learning more about T�Pol�s history and Vulcan life in general plus very good interaction between Tucker and T�Pol. Gives us a glimpse of how boring it must be to be a Vulcan scientist aboard a ship as they seem to have no interest in exploration of the comet or the universe for that matter. It�s the character interactions that make this episode good...Archer trying to play diplomat with a very uncooperative Vulcan captain and Reed trying to be delicate with T�Pol�s private life. The bit with the pecan pie is rather fun too, not to mention the Vulcan snowman! (at left). 3 out of 5 stars.

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Reed & Travis have a little fun


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