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There are currently $fdeltime) { $lines[$i] = ""; } if ($fip == $REMOTE_ADDR) { $lines[$i] = ""; } } array_push($lines, "$time$seperator$REMOTE_ADDR$seperator$deltime"); $lines = array_unique($lines); $final = join("\n", $lines); $to_count = explode("\n", $final); $cnt = "0"; foreach ($to_count as $lol) { if ($lol != "") { $cnt++; } } $fp = fopen($file, "w"); fputs($fp, $final); fclose($fp); return $cnt; } $active = active_users_text("../usersonpage.txt", "::", false); echo "$active"; ?> readers online

Photos of the crew - also see their bios with other shots and information. Click on thumbnails for larger views.

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