This is a place for science fiction fans to hang out, discuss our favorite shows, conventions or books, browse for great artwork and collectibles, read some of the latest sci-fi stories, view movie trailers and more. It’s our space on the web…a place created by science fiction fans for science fiction fans.
This website is partially modeled after one of my favorite things: a Science Fiction Convention! I love going to conventions. Some of the great things about sci-fi conventions is being able to talk to other fans, meeting some of the actors, authors and artists whose work we enjoy, browse the dealers room and art show, and just have FUN! !
The Staff of is really just me with editorial assistance from a small group of fellow sci-fi fans and friends. The “me” is:

Lori Anne Brown
Editor & Webmaster of
PO Box 1773, Sanford, FL 32771
Phone: (321) 578-8163
Facebook – Twitter
I’m an e-commerce entrepreneur, crazy cat (and dog!) lady, and scifi geek living in Central Florida.
I’ve been a science fiction fan since I was 12 and founded the Orlando Chapter of Starfleet International (STAR TREK Club) when I first moved to Florida from New Jersey in 1981. The club started a sci-fi convention called Tachycon in 1983 which became the #1 fan run convention in Florida welcoming guests like Jerry Doyle, Walter Koenig, Richard Biggs, Richard Hatch and many more. I stepped away from the business in 2000 when my then partner and I split. began as the news and information section of TachyCon’s website when I first got onto the internet but became it’s own entity in March 1998.
My sci-fi interests lean towards Star Trek, Firefly, Babylon 5, Star Wars, etc., though I enjoy tons of stuff. I also am an avid reader (though don’t pay attention to authors much – I do like Anne McCaffrey and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro among others) and am also an artist and jewelry maker just getting back into displaying at sci-fi conventions.
I’ve also been a video editing and animation instructor and a print production specialist. Currently, I own LABEShops, 21 online stores including You can see my art and jewelry designs at my website. I also try to get to as many conventions as possible and hope to meet you in person soon!
Awards & Accolades
We were honored to be named in the extras on the DVD set for Firefly and won several awards over the years, including: