
We�ve always felt that being a science fiction fan is being part of a community. One of the things we love doing is inter-acting with other fans in chat rooms, via message boards, through email and email postcards and at conventions. Take a break and play a game in our gameroom. Check out our download area for Scifi Wallpapers, Browser Skins and more to jazz up your computer at work or home!

This is the area of for fans of science-fiction, fantasy & horror to communicate with each other and with other areas of the internet. It's also the place to play a game and just generally have fun!

    Get Trillina to combine all your IMS!For instant messaging, I recommend Trillian - combines all your IMs into one window and even allows multiple identities with most services. Works with ICQ, MSN, IRC, Yahoo and AIM. Really cool! And check for �Scifispace� - my user name on most of them.

Join us for the party in Cybertown!